Femke van Ravensteijn – Brands
Femke is an occupational therapist. She specializes in sensory processing (SP) and in treating children. In 2010 she started her own practice, with three locations and several occupational therapists, all trained in SP.
Femke has more than 15 years of experience and works with different groups, mostly children from regular primary education. She also works with children from 0 to 4 years, children with ASD, ADHD, Down Syndrome and language development problems, children with multiple disabilities and gifted children. Femke has experience in special education.
She has extensive experience in working with teachers and parents.
In addition to providing training for Senso, she owns an Occupational Therapy Clinic in Veghel, Oss and Geffen in The Netherlands: https://www.ergotherapiedeoplossing.nl/

Marloes de Jong
Marloes is a speech therapist with more than 20 years of experience. She is a specialist in sensory processing (SP) and a communication expert. Marloes diagnoses, advises, guides and coaches children and their caregivers and teachers.
Marloes has experience with children with ASD, Down syndrome, a mental or physical disability or multiple disabilities, in Special Education. She teaches children individually and in groups. And always in the classroom, so that communication and advice can be used immediately.
In addition to giving workshops and lectures for SenSo, Marloes offers courses on Total Communication and sign language.

Basje Wentink
Basje is a pediatric occupational therapist, a specialist in sensory processing (SP) and in treating children. Basje has been working as an occupational therapist with children in various settings since 1984. Basje has experience in pediatric rehabilitation and special education.
Together with colleague Martine from Ergo Actief, she regularly gives courses about sensory processing. Basje has experience with different groups, often working with interpreting behavior and skills on the basis of sensory processing. Basje works with children within special education as well as regular education. In addition, she is part of a child specialist team; a collaboration of several disciplines that together seek solutions for children with needs in multiple areas.
In addition to giving workshops for Senso, she owns an Occupational Therapy Clinic in Drachten in The Netherlands: https://www.ergoactief.nl/

Marly Vosters
Marly is a pediatric occupational therapist and specialized in sensory processing (SP). She has a private pediatric occupational therapy practice, where she works together in a multidisciplinary team in the field of child development.
Marly has more than 15 years of experience, with diverse groups. Such as: students of regular and special education, the young child (0-2 year olds), people with intellectual disabilities, people with an auditory and visual impairment, communication problems, speech language problems and autism.
It is her passion to transfer her knowledge and expertise in the field of SP to children, parents, teachers and supervisors. She lets others put on the SPi-glasses and use this view to find practical solutions for over- or underresponsiveness.
In addition to providing courses for SenSo, Marly gives various courses and lectures from her occupational therapy practice. https://marlyvostersergotherapie.nl/

Ingeborg Snel
As a speech therapist, Ingeborg Snel has been involved with clients with multiple disabilities for almost 20 years, including people with cognitive and communicative disabilities. Ingeborg specializes in communication, sensory processing (SP) and interaction and image coaching (VIB/ICB). She has a lot of experience working with deaf, multiple disabled children. In 2017 she and colleagues developed the HoorSpel program for these children to train their hearing in a fun way and through music, sounds and movement.
In addition to providing courses, Ingeborg works in a multidisciplinary team, where she combines diagnostics, advice, coaching and treatment in the field of communication and sensory processing. She has extensive experience in both education and healthcare settings.