Our mission
Sharing information and practical strategies – with as many people as possible – about sensory processing (SP) and being under- or overresponsive. Because living (together) and learning is simpler and more enjoyable, having that knowledge.
Would you like to know more about under- and overreponsiveness?
Would you like to invite us to give a lecture or course about sensory processing? Online or in your country? (We would be happy to visit :-D) Let us know through monique@dutchsensorysolutions.com. We’ll teach you:
- Sensory solutions in the classroom
- Sensory Solutions at home
- Sensory Solutions for people with a intellectual disability
- to recognize whether behavior is caused by under- or overresponsiveness(with our our SPi viewing guide)
- how to visualize sensory processing with the Fan-model
- choosing strategies for difficult behavior, strategies that fit your daily routine
Go to ‘services’ for more information and to look at the possibilities for an incompany training.

We are happy to tell you many, many things about Sensory Processing (SP). We do this, for example, in a lecture or during a training course. In an accesible way, we explain about the influence of SP on living and learning. We show what behavior looks like when SP is not working properly and we share simple strategies.

Monique Thoonsen
Who is behind SenSo and Sensory Solutions?
Monique is an expert in sensory processing, and she writes, teaches and consults on this subject. She is fascinated by how sensory processing works, which is why she has decided to dedicate her professional live to it. She started doing this in the 1990s, when she was working in the U.S.A. Monique has taken many courses, for instance at Sensory Integration International, the organization of Jean Ayres (founder of Sensory Integration Theory). She has now written four books on the subject in Dutch and two of these books were translated in English: Sensory Solutions in the classroom and Making Sense of your Senses.
SENSORY SOLUTIONS: English edition

The go-to guide for teachers on how to practically introduce a sensory supportive classroom for the many students who experience sensory processing difficulties.
“Every teacher knows them – the students who are continuously balancing on their chair legs or who prefer to hide in their hoodies all day long. These students are using all kinds of tricks to be able to stay focused, as they are under- or overresponsive to sensory input and trying to restore their balance.”
Do you ever feel like your classroom is just too loud? Maybe it has too many noisy kids in it?! Or maybe you wish there were more colours on the walls?
There is a reason you feel this way and it’s all because of your eight (yes eight!) senses.
In this workbook you will get to know all about your senses and a number of friendly animals along the way. Fun activities will help you pin down what sorts of smells, sounds, textures, tastes and movements you like, which you don’t like and how much of these is too much. By completing the worksheets you’ll learn all about sensory processing and what effect it can have on how you feel. Because by finding out for example, that you hate scratchy jumpers, but that the sounds of birds chirping really calms you down, you can find the right kind of sensory input to make you feel better when you need it most!
What our students say
In all the years that SenSo (‘7 Zintuigen’ in The Netherlands) has been active, with various training courses and lectures and four (Dutch) books in the Sensory Solutions series, we have received a lot of fun, sweet and especially motivating feedback from teachers, parents and students.
Here you can read what they say about us.