About SenSo

SenSo was founded in 2012 by Monique to share knowledge about sensory processing, so that people who deal with under- or overresponsiveness can enjoy a simpler and more pleasant life. The company is now doing very well with this by giving many lectures and courses and by publishing four books (Dutch) and two English translation: Sensory Solutions in the Classroom and Making Sense of your Senses.

Based on the books, we develop courses and lectures for parents and professionals. Our strength is that we do this in an accessible manner, in a language that is understandable to everyone. The idea is that you don’t need to know how a car works to learn to drive it.

Because there is a lot of demand for the courses, we have expanded our team in recent years. Five specialists have joined the team. You can find them at ‘partners’.

Who knows, we may expand even more, as two books of the Sensory Solution-series were translated and are available all over the world.

About monique thoonen

Monique is an expert in sensory processing, and she writes, teaches and consults on this subject. She is fascinated by how sensory processing works, which is why she has decided to dedicate her professional live to it. She started doing this in the 1990s, when she was working in the U.S.A. Monique has taken many courses at Sensory Integration International, the organization of Jean Ayres (founder of Sensory Integration Theory). In The Netherlands she has studied the subject further by reading books and taking even more courses. She has now written four books on the subject in Dutch and one of these books was translated in English: Sensory Solutions in the classroom.

There are solutions for being under- or overresponsive, solutions that are practical and easily fit into people's daily routine!

As a physiotherapist and pedagogue, she advised and guided hundreds of children, adults, parents and teachers in cases where difficult behavior was caused by problems in sensory processing. She has experience with different groups: people without disabilities, with a (severe) intellectual disability, with autism, with a language development disorder, gifted people, people who are deaf or hard of hearing, students in special education and students in regular education.

It’s her mission is to share information and practical strategies about being under- and overresponsive with as many people as possible. So that people feel better and can therefore live and learn better!

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